Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Repunit no...

if R(n) = 1111111.....111 (n times), then R(n) is known as repunit no. For how many 256 < n < 343, R(n) will be perfect square???


Nidhi said...

answer: zero

monika b said...

yes nidhi u r correct...nw suppose there is no limit 4 n....dn wt shud be d ans...

monika b said...

actually there will be no R(n)which is a perfect a no ending wd 1 is a perfect square if it is ending wd 1 or 9.....nd we knw dt
square of (......9)=(.......even 1)
square of (......1)=(.......even 1)
i.e. square of ny no. ending wid 9 or 1 will hv 1 at d end place and an even digit preeceding in R(n)ds condition ds nt hold....